Friday, January 30, 2009

Word of the Day

Bemoan. Regret and complain. Bemoan.

J (and Daniel--the voice) read it to me off of Google. That's where she gets most of her news. Unfortunately, the word of the day is on the top left of the page, so her screen reader usually spits it out before she starts tabbing around. By the time she gets to her email, she almost never goes past "oddly enough" to get to the real news. People always give her a hard time about that.

Back to Bemoan. I expect that's something I'll be doing a lot of today. We're going out. To do that, we'll take a cab. That works better for us because when folks say they'll give us a ride, they ALWAYS change their mind when it's time for a real trip. That's why we won't be seeing Aim and Paige. We're both Bemoaning that a lot. Anyhow, cabs are usually dirty, with gum on the floor and so, while they're convenient, they're icky and expensive.

I think I have this Bemoan thing down to a science.

I'll be back soon to Bemoan some more. I kinda like it.



kaisquared said...

Cosmo, to be moaning is not always a bad thing, ask JJ!

Unknown said...

We'll just hang out and bemoan together! LOL