Sunday, February 8, 2009

Out Loud

A lot of you know that J doesn't see. Okay, once in a now and then, she gets some input, but not enough to make a real difference. She uses a voice on her computer.

sometimes it's some snooty sounding woman. She calls that Narrator. Not as good, really. And annoying. She stutters.

and then there's Daniel. Daniel is her JAWS reader and he's British. Lately, when J reads stuff, she's been taking out the head phone thing and letting me hear it.

It's nice to be included. Being a guide dog to someone who doesn't go anywhere most of the time can be pretty boring. (except for the peanutbutter)

starting next week, we get another student and will be going to some kind of Neuro place. (I'll let you guys know more about it after we get back. I do know she's going to be wearing dresses. Should be good for a snicker. The weather is all over the place. --Pretty windy around here)

For tonight, I guess I'll kick back and see what Daniel's got to read.


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