Saturday, March 7, 2009

Scents or Smells?

J's got the door open and it smells great out...for now.

Earlier, the neighbor who loves garlic was burning bacon. I suspect they were just preparing us for later. That's why we close the kitchen window sometimes.

In a little while, J will turn on--light--her candle. The candle she has now is supposed to smell like Creame Brulee...I have no idea what it is. Based on the smell, it's something sweet.

People talk about dogs having good noses and all, but people are really fixed on smells. Yesterday, J was threatening the guy she works with. She told him that if he kept doing whatever it was, she would quit bringing the bubble gum she gets for him and start giving him one that smells bad like strawberry or watermelon. Having smelled those before, I can tell you that the gum does not smell like the fruit it's named after.

I was thinking about all that, though--hey, what else do you think I do lying around on the floor all day? See, when J and the kid got their candles, they got some little melty things that are supposed to smell like some specific thing when you melt it. The kid got banana nut bread to melt and J got grandpa's pipe.

This is me rolling my eyes. Can you believe her? She hates the smell of cigarettes inside, but wants pipe smell... People just aren't right.

The kid melted one of her banana nut bread chips while we were gone yesterday. When we got home, J kept saying it didn't smell like banana nut bread at all. I agree. I think it smelled like the hazlenut coffee candle they had last month. But nobody asks the dog.

Either way, it doesn't bother me, just gives me something else to think about... It's not like I'm going to solve the world economy puzzle laying down here.

Anyway, it keeps the cats guessing. When they're trying to figure out what that smell is, they're leaving me alone. I like it that way.


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