Saturday, March 28, 2009


I hurt myself.

It wasn't bad. Just a scrape.

The kid noticed. I don't like to whine, you know?

So, the kid noticed and started touching it, talking to J about it. (her fingers tickled, but I let it go)

J got all worked up about it, trying to figure out when it happened, how much it hurt, what to do about know the drill.

The bottom line is, it's a scrape. it hurts sometimes--stings really--and there's not a single thing they can do about it. When did it happen? who cares? Well, J does, but she's like that. It's not like we can go back and undo it.

I'm not a puppy anymore. I wish I was. I sort of wish J was a puppy, too, but then she couldn't feed me. That would be a problem.

I've heard J say, to me and to someone on the phone, that if she could start over, there were definitely things she would do differently. Me, too.

I'd do a few things differently if I had the chance. I know you think I'm just a dog and don't have any choice. Well, there are people, cats, and other dogs I would certainly bite if I could. There are a couple of geese around here just begging for a good chase. And don't get me started about that sloth at Silver Springs. It taunted me any time we got near it.

I've heard that regrets are a part of life...yeah, maybe. Over all, I'm okay with how things have gone. If I had it all to do again, I'd for sure do it without the lingering ear infection that most Labs get. I've had a heck of a time shaking it.

Ahh, well, that's life.

I'm done with being philosophical now. J put a biscuit in my sterile bone. I have current issues to deal with now.

Talk to you later.


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